Finding Deals at Aldi & A Tip for Freezing Meat
Recently at Aldi I found a bunch of ground hamburger highly discounted. It was best used or frozen by the next day. Naturally, I bought it all. 😂 I can’t pass up a good deal! Made it only $1.58 a lb for fresh burger!
We love to buy beef from our friends who raise beef & sell it by the quarter (or more if you want more), but we always run out of ground beef first – we use it for so many things – meatloaf, meatballs, hamburger casserole, burgers, chili, lasagna, tacos, etc.

I also found 2 racks of ribs for 1/2 price, chicken tenderloins (note – if something is marked $2 off, buy the smaller packages, you’ll save more! I normally buy the biggest packs of meat I can find, but not when they have the $2 or $5 off stickers), and on a different day a bunch of bread was 1/2 price, so I bought 8 loaves & 2 baguettes… our kids love toasted cheese, french toast, all sorts of things can be used with older bread. 🙂
I am a frugal person & can’t pass up discounted food, even if we’re trying to not spend money – because let’s be honest, this does help. 😊
So – next time you’re at Aldi, look for those bright red stickers! I find something almost every day & these deals I mentioned in this post I found at 3 different local Aldis!
**Interesting aside note, I have noticed certain items cost more in the Rockford area than in Dixon or Sterling, specifically milk & chips! Last few weeks milk has been around $1 in Dixon & Sterling, but it was over $2 in Rockford. Chips consistently are around $1.09-$1.19 (the specialty or seasonal flavors cost more) near us, but are more like $1.49-$1.79 in Rockford/Roscoe**