Logan made this project for history – he is studying the American Revolution (He is using Masterbooks & loves it! It’s our first year using it. And, I love that it’s written by Rick Boyer…the Boyers are amazing!)Hanging out waiting for Bible time Emma drew this while waiting at an appt. 🙂Aww…..sweet cuddles! God knew how much we needed this sweet girl in our lives!!Sisters in red! Sweet snuggles for McKaylee & EllieLexa bought this for me the other day….awwww! <3 🥰Keira making Ellie some yummy pouches. 🙂 Emma & Lucas helped also.Lucas drinking out of a tic tac container?!?
The younger kids love to “camp out” in the main living areas…. 🙂
Logan camping outLucas camping out Emmalyn camping outKeira camping out
Lucas is camping on chairsThat’s funny