Monday Catch Up Day

**Note…I apologize to those who are signed up for emails, I’ve had a problem a few times recently (including last night) with posts posting before I’m ready for them. I work on posts a lot in advance, start posts & come back to them, etc., so what posted last night I had to delete as it wasn’t finished!**

We don’t do laundry, dishes, or cleaning on Sundays (as much as we can help it, anyhow!) We try to just enjoy the day of relaxation & family time. (Not to say we are slobs – we still wash the counters & sweep; no leaving food traces out, but beyond that, we save it for Monday.)

Which means that when Monday comes around, there’s a bit more work than most mornings. 😊

Monday morning usually finds us catching up on laundry, dishes, vacuuming, sweeping & general pick up. Thankfully, I don’t mind at all. I know a lot of people dread Mondays & while Sunday IS my favorite day of the week, I don’t mind Mondays either. 😊

What do Mondays look like for you?

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