Needing rest…

Needing rest…

I had a rough day yesterday. By evening I was beat & knew we needed something fun & easy. I had spent an hour in the afternoon playing games on the Wii with the younger 5 as that was all I could give at that time. And that’s ok!

Lizzy had mentioned wanting to paint each other’s nails a few days ago, so I thought that would be a great activity (while we were watching The Hobbit) last night.

It was fun. 🙂

Lizzy painting Ellie’s toenails. It was Ellie’s first time! She loved it!
Lizzy painting my nails
Me painting Lizzy’s nails
Ellie was so cute – she wanted to be just like us & kept trying to “paint” her nails with the q-tip. So fun!

Today we are going to Rockford to visit a family we’ve known for 9 years, going to church with them (their son is being baptized) & joining them for lunch. I’m looking forward to the rest & rejuvenation of Sunday & the fellowship of good friends. 🙂

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