November 2020 Family Funnies

*Disclaimer: Yes, I am aware most of these are from Ellenor. Sorry, other kids, but this age is always so cute & funny!! I try to capture any funny moment from any child.*

We had hamburgers one night & Ellie called hers a “meat cookie.” Grant said, “Eat your potato strings!” And she looks at him quizzically & says, “They not potato strings! They french fries!”

Once in awhile I will say, “Okey dokey artichokey!” Ellie has now started saying, “chokey dokey!”

Ellenor squinches up her nose & says, “I have ‘muggies’ in there!”

Emma says, “They are called boogers, Ellie!”

Ellenor looks confused & tries again, “mungies!”, “elephants! I have elephants in my nose!” 😂🤣

Another day…. Ellie scrunches up her nose, leans in close & says, “Mama, you have a bug in your nose!” 🤣 😳 Well, at least I know who my true friends are! 🤦‍♀️

“Cock-a-rooster” (a mixture of cock a doodle do & rooster from Ellie)

Anonymous child 1: “If I slapped you in the face with a glove, would you duel me?”

Me: 😮😬🥴🙄??!! (Yes, they were joking. Hilarious children have I!)

“Don’t read without me, Mom! I’m going to save the wall!” (As she’s “holding” up the wall in the hall) (Ellie)

Ellie says “hum-ba-bug!”

I’m thinking, thinking, what is she trying to say….ah! “Are you trying to say ‘Bah Humbug’?”

“Yes! Hum-ba-bug!” 🥰😂

“Mom, my nose tells me when I’m going to sneeze! It tickles & starts burning! I think I’m allergic to the fire, because everytime I stand by the fire, my nose hurts!” (Emma, almost 8)

I’m cuddling Ellenor & she’s cuddling her baby doll. She says, “I’m protecting my baby from calculators!”

Emma says, “I think she means crocodiles!”

Ellie says, “Yeah, croco-laters!”

Emma says, “Mama, we forgot to flusshle! (Shuffle)”

Lexa was washing dishes & when she pulled off her gloves, the thumb popped off one of them. She says, “I popped me thumb off! Everything sounds better when you add an English accent!” 🤣😂

Ellie calls the library “lib-a-berry” or “berry”. She often says, “Thank you for getting me books from the berry!” Or “These my lib-a-berry books!” 😆

Lucas says, “I left it on for irritation. I hung it on the wall until it’s ready to be used.”

*thinking…* Do you mean “decoration”?

Yes! 😂😀

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