November 2020 Family Pictures Part 3

November 2020 Family Pictures Part 3

A picture of our family at Thanksgiving dinner. I’m just like my Grandma…had to pause eating to take a picture. 😉🤣 (of course I wasn’t in it!)

Haha, the puppy loves to hang out under the shoe shelf
Lucas with his pet garter snake that he kept for about a month before he decided to let it go again. One last picture to remember him by.
Keira took this picture of the moon one day. It was really pretty
Cuddling during Bible time one day ❤
More cuddles. ❤
Everyone loves puppy! Since we are trying to train her to not be on the furniture, we often curl up on the floor to hang out with her.
They were trying to get Zar the kitten & Eowyn the puppy to get along. It didn’t work so well.
Zar is getting so big! He’s still pretty patient with Ellie. 🙂
Lizzy is a good big sister & patient with Ellie. Ellie loves to climb on her back & be a monkey.
What a stinker! She snuck a sucker & came to show it off
Sweet sister cuddles
Just a puppy on some shoulders…🤣 (trying to get around the no dog on the bed rule) 🤣
One of my favorite moments from Thanksgiving…having the kids hang out near me while I was cooking (I did have quite a bit of help from Lizzy & Keira on some things)
More hanging out while the food was being prepared. ❤
Ellie loves it when McKaylee comes to visit!
Aww, sweet girl (photo credit Lexa)
Lexa took this beautiful picture!! ❤

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