November 2022 Family Funnies

Lizzy was working on letter sounds with Ellie & asked her to sing the song they had talked about.

Ellie: “I can’t right now. It’s not stuck in my head!”

Ellie was talking about how she did not like her “skinny” feet when she got out of the tub.

I said, confused, “Your feet get skinnier while you’re in the bath?” 🤷‍♀️🥴

“No, silly! The skin comes off of them after the bath!”

🤣😅 I love the way kids think! 🤣

Ellie says something odd & I say, “What are you saying?”

Ellie: “Oh, I’m just ‘quincinating’ a movie. It’s Boz!”

I told Grant that I was making potato and leek soup. He said, “Well, if it’s leaking, then you’d better stop it!”

Then in the car, I told Logan what Papa had said. He says, “It’s a very leaky conversation!” 😀

Me: “Anything on your mind, Emma?”

Emma: “I think my head is on my mind!” 😅😁

Xanna: “Mama?”

Me: “Yes?”

Xanna: “I’d like to dispute your pronunciation of ‘yams’.”

Me: “O.K…why?”

Xanna: “It’s ‘yums’!” 😋

(😊 The kids have been enjoying diced, oven/air fryer baked yams/sweet potatoes lately & I’m glad! Especially more so when they do the work themselves whenever they want some.)

We were all in the front room for Bible time. Ellie notices that Papa’s blanket got left in the other room last night. She runs off to get it.

Pretty soon we hear a “Thump, thump, thump…”

“I’m ok!”

“Did you just fall down the stairs?”

“Yes, but I’m ok!” 🙃🙄

(Yesterday she came stumbling into the front room, covered head to toe in the dark blanket. We told her not to do it, because it is dangerous & we didn’t want her falling down the stairs!!)

Ellie: “Poor Lexa, poor, nice Lexa, poor, poor Lexa.”

Lexa: “What? Why am I poor? What’s wrong?”

Ellie: “You have to go look in the mirror. I forgot why you’re poor.”

(Grant & I were gone & Lexa texted this to me. I asked her if she ever figured out why, but she didn’t. 🤷‍♀️🤣)

We were waiting for someone to come…

Ellie (Saluting) “I’ll take an eye out!”

Mama “Oh, you’re so silly!”

Ellie “I know! I’m a genius too!”

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