November Family Funnies 2020

All 10 of us were in the van for about 2 minutes to go to the skating rink…a child says, “it feels like we’re on a trip to Wyoming or something. ❤

Me: “What?”

Child: “Mama, You & McKaylee smell like the antidotes to the food we usually take on a trip!?!” (Dramamine…not sure why?) 🤣

(Meaning we are not very often all 10 in the van together, so it felt special. ❤)

Emma is helping Ellenor take a bath & bounces a rubber duck into the water, saying… “Corona-ball!”

I say… “Do you mean cannonball?”


Cuddling after naptime:

Grant to Ellie: “Who do you love more, Mama or Eowyn?”

Ellie: “Eowyn!” 😳

G:”Do you love Papa?”

E: “Yes!”

G: “Do you love Mama?”

E: ” Yes!”

G: “Who do you love more? Papa or Mama?”

E: “Baby Yoda!” 🤣😂🥵

Logan was supposed to write fun sentences until he used all his spelling words. What he came up with was fantastic!:

“A coachman/merchant’s watchdog keeps python smugglers out of the temple! Artwork helps me break out of hardship and helps freshen the mood! What are heckles, crackles, grackles & cashmeres? Can you get that lengthy hyphen to nestle in between typhoon and withdraw and pamphlet?”

Unknown child: “The great thing about being stuffed is that your armpits don’t stink!” 🤣😅

I love how Ellie says Proverbs…. “Pa-verbs!” 😊

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