October 2023 Family Funnies

Ellie: “That’s a BIG windmiller!”
Me: “Yes, it is!”
Ellie: “It’s as tall as Dad!”
Ellie: “Actually, it’s like an inch, no a foot taller than him!”
Ellie: “Mama, I can count to 100!”
Me: “Really?! Count for me!”
Ellie: “I’m too tired right now…..AND.. .there’s just a few problems Lucas helps me with.” ❤️
Ellie: “Mom, you’re a cookie hug!”
Me: “What? Why am I a cookie hug? And what IS a cookie hug?”
Ellie: “Because you’re as good as a cookie & you always hug!” 😍🥰
Emma, talking to Ellie: “There are 3 girls and 3 boys at home.”
Ellie. “Two boys.”
Emma. “OK, fine, 2 boys and 1 man….its not that different.”
Ellie. “Dad’s not home?”
Emma. “……..”
Emma. “Oh.”
(Grant & Keira & I were in Rockford at appointments.)
I had asked Lucas to tape up a bunch of boxes that had been broken down.
Lucas: “Okay, there’s a lot of boxes here for your “a-use-al”
Me: “Um, what did you call it?”
Lucas: “Um…for you to use?” ❤️
We were watching a movie with the family & Ellie says, “I rememberize him!” (Remember/ recognize) 🤣
“I will always be in your heart, I will never leave you. I’m glad that you have a heart, so that I can always be with you & be your daughter” 🙂 (From 2017, Emmalyn was almost 5)