My kids love cheese!! “Can I please open this cheese, Mama?”It felt like a day that needed smiley faces! I pulled out my trusty smiley face socks & put a pair of smiley face leggings on Ellie. 🥰Lizzy pushing Ellie around in a laundry basket, in a wheelchair. Ellie is blessed by loving older siblings that help include her, play with her, teach her…“I’m being a monkey, Mama!”“Ahh…don’t choke me!”“We have matching crowns, Mama!”Lexa found these batman jammies for Ellie & she loves them. Lucas shared his batman hat with her…. “I bat girl!”Lizzy was the Historian for their 4H club this past year. She worked hard on & finished the Year’s scrapbook – her first time ever doing anything like that!Lizzy & the scrapbook she made for their 4H club.