September 2023 Family Funnies
I was hand chopping some raw garlic. Lucas sees & says, “Ooh! Can I try a piece?”
I told him it was pretty spicy & he said he had had it before & still wanted some…so I gave him a tiny piece.
Lucas: “Mmmm! Not bad!”
5 seconds later…
ZOOOOM…Lucas races to get some water as it kicks in. 🤣🤣🤣😂
Emmalyn is on the phone with Lexa & asks for help with her story.
Lucas: “What is Lexa? A Bob & Larry station?” (Veggie Tales reference)
Me: “You’re hilarious!”
Lucas: “Yeah, I’m hi-‘larry’-i-ous” 😅😅😅🤣🤣
We were helping my sister move into her new house. Kids were taking a break & playing hide & seek. Logan kneeled down next to some boxes & propped a piece of cardboard in front of him. He was the last one found that round…we asked Keira how she didn’t see him & she says, “I thought he was a tote!” 😅😅🤣🤣

My sister Susie was visiting one day & stayed for dinner. It’s so amazing to live close enough to come for a few hours. We had a lot of laughs at dinner.
Susie: “Why can’t you cook an alligator in a crockpot?”
Me: Blank stare….it went completely over my head. Lol.
I finally got it & many more jokes & laughs were told.
Lizzy then proceeded to put the joke to paper:

I love my family! ❤️
Ellie was saying silly, nonsensical things.
Me: “Ellie, you’re a goofball!”
Ellie: “If I’m a goofball, then you’re a meatball!” 😏🤪😂