Starting Kids Helping At A Young Age

Our youngest kids LOVE to help out. Especially when working side by side (don’t we all?!) with myself or anyone.
It takes longer to get stuff done when training children. But, oh, it is so worth it!
Years ago as a young mother I was encouraged to do so & while I have had seasons where I’m better at it than others, I’m so, so thankful for that input I received and I REALLY want to encourage other young Moms to do the same.
Just for this reason – we essentially have 2 separate sets of dishes & places to put them away – nice ones that the adults & any older kids can use (or the whole family uses them, but only the older ones can put them away, etc.) and plastic dishes that even the 1 year old can get herself & help put away.

Working together to make dinner:

Keeping up with Ellie is a full time job. So sometimes we just let her “help”, knowing it will be less of a mess to clean up than if she runs loose in the house. 🤷♀️

Ridiculous baby !!!😍🤩