Sunflower Butter Little Known Fact & A Cool Trick

A couple of our kids have a sensitivity to peanut butter. So when Keira made peanut butter cookies recently, she made a 2nd batch with sunflower butter for the kids that can’t have peanut butter.
For some reason, we broke one of the cookies in half & realized they were GREEN on the inside!! 😮😅
It was April 2nd, so my first thought was, which child played this as an April Fool’s Day trick & how did they get it so perfectly green, only in the middle?? (I had heard from one child who wanted to make rolls with green die in the middle, but we never did figure out a way to do that).
Pretty soon I realized it probably had something to do with the sunbutter that was used & sure enough, when I googled it, the first thing that popped up was:
“The chlorogenic acid (chlorophyll) in sunflower seeds reacts with the baking soda/powder when baked, causing the green color when the cookies cool. This is completely harmless!” (From
We laughed so hard! This is definitely a cool trick that we’ll remember!! 😊 I only wish we had been able to do it as an April Fool’s surprise, or for St. Patrick’s Day. There’s always next year! 😉
So fun!! Science is cool!
I know!
Wonderful story. Good ending. Thanks for sharing these tidbits you learn