Unexpected Week

Unexpected Week

The week filled up faster than I would have liked with 3 Unexpected appointments. And we landed back in the ER last night with Lucas who hit his head & was hard to keep awake & acting confused.

Poor guy! By the time we got to the ER, he had no idea what was going on, barely knew who I was, couldn’t answer any questions & just kept saying, “I don’t know?” or “I have no idea what you’re asking me to do?” It was scary! We were thankful to have it checked out & find nothing serious.

Thankfully we got in right away at the ER & they did a Head CT that showed no bleeds. But, he did have a concussion. Interesting fact: after 19 1/2 years of being parents & 8 kids, this is our first concussion!

He’s a trooper! Glad to see him smiling again!

2 thoughts on “Unexpected Week”

    • Haha, so true! Thanks! 🙂 Surprisingly, we’ve only had 2 broken bones (both the same child), this was our first concussion & only a handful of stitches! (Oh, & about 8 surgeries between the kids.. lol)

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