“What is America” an Essay by Xanna


The answer is so simple that people overcomplicate it and end up distorting it to create something that never should have been.

America is FREEDOM. Plainly put, America is the idea that someone can live as he chooses and his social standing is based solely on his choices.

This is the principal our country was founded upon, the idea that you can take a hold of your own reins and direct your own life in the way you so choose.

Freedom is CHOICES. Without choices you have nothing. You are in essence a slave to whomever controls your choices.

In a normal day a person has ever so many choices to make. What to eat. What to wear. To go to work or not to. These are just a smattering of the conscious or unconscious choices we make EVERYDAY.

Choices have CONSEQUENCES. All choices no matter how big or small have consequences. What you eat will influence your weight. What you wear determine how other people perceive you.

If you choose not to go to work you might get fired, or lose the money you would have earned that day. Which car you drive has direct consequences on your bank account.

Your Consequences are your FREEDOM.

The ability to mess up is your FREEDOM.

Any debt you hold is a result of your FREEDOM.

So why aren’t we free to make choices that might end up with our contracting a sickness? A sickness by the way that has almost a 99.998% survival rate in my age range?!?!?

Let me put it this way. Why is my country controlling my life and my choices?

I believe this started when our ancestors failed to fight against the mandatory seatbelt laws. And we gave the government the ability to fine us for endangering our own lives.

And this precedent has led the the mandatory masks we are seeing today. To wear these masks is to submit to dictatorship.

To wear a mask is to acknowledge that Pritzker is the supreme authority on right and wrong in our lives.

To wear a mask is to fly a flag of oppression and to open the gateway to further tyranny.

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