April 2020 Family Pictures Part 2

April 2020 Family Pictures Part 2
Ellenor enjoying a toy we had when I was growing up 🥰
Where’s Ellenor?
There she is! 🙂 She loves crawling under Lexa’s electric blanket with her.
Lexa revived my plant! She is magic! This was a plant I got from my Grandma when she passed a couple years ago & I have such a black thumb, I was killing it. I’m thankful that she was able to save it & it’s starting to grow again. So blessed! ❤
My little kitchen helper! I love my huge kitchen counter! Ellie loves to sit in the middle of it & “help” me while I’m working in the kitchen. That’s one thing I had missed the most when I was so ill, so being able to spend time in the kitchen again every day makes me happy! Ellie was helping me make Lexa’s cake to have on Lizzy’s birthday.
Honey! Yummy!
Ellenor sees me dry brushing every day & wants to do it also! 🥰😂
Ellie playing with some old playing cards & a fun Clifford bag Aunt Susie gave us
Ellenor is sitting in a shoe box! Lol
What a little sneak! She got into the cookies a sibling left on the table. Sneaky, sneaky!
“But, Mom, it’s so delicious!”
These 2 love to bring me flowers! 🥰❤
This is Ellenor’s FAVORITE book… She calls it “Pocket!” And we have to read it over & over every single day (it got lost for 2-3 days & that was devastating! Thankfully Emma found it under the couch). I don’t recall any kids ever being so picky about a particular book. And not only the book, a certain page is her favorite & we can get stuck on it for a LONG time! I’m thankful that she likes to read! ❤
A particular child that takes after Aunt Susie “matched” all of Ellie’s socks 😂
Pirate Lucas…..aargh!
Ellenor loves to help with laundry! She folds washcloths & towels and helps to out things away.
Folding washcloths!
Studious Ellenor folding washcloths
Lizzy is such a good big sister. She’s letting Ellenor help with the snickerdoodles. She drops the ball into the bowl of sugar & Ellie rolls it around without touching it! Clever!
Emma loves picking beautiful flowers!
My beautiful girl! 🥰❤

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