Celebrating Ellie & Pie Day 😊

Celebrating Ellie & Pie Day 😊

Saturday we had a little party for Ellenor’s birthday & since it was Pie Day, we had pies! πŸ™‚

Lizzy made 3 pumpkin pies, 2 cherry pies & 1 apple pie. She made the crusts from scratch also! The apple pie filling was the last one we had in our freezer from our apples…yum! (And yes, the family had pie for breakfast, lunch & dinner…how can I say no when it’s pie day?) 😊

Pumpkin & Cherry pies

Birthday pie! Lizzy made this apple pie & wrote “Happy birthday! You’re 2!”
Waiting for birthday pie!
A “2” candle for her to blow out on her pie
Yummy pie! It was her first time having pie. πŸ™‚
She’s good at ripping paper!
McKaylee gave Ellie this Aqua Doodle Mat
Balloons from Grandma
Grandma made Ellenor this pretty dress! It’s so cute!
Holding it up to her…
So pretty!
She loves it! Thanks, Grandma!!
Playing with her new water mat…so fun! And it came with a lot of neat “tools”.
So fun! Thanks, McKaylee!
Mama, Ellenor, Grandma, & Emma! Ellie is wearing her new dress Grandma made her! (And Lizzy in the mirror taking our picture) 😊
A 40-second video of singing Happy birthday & Ellie blowing out her candle ❀

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