Educational CDs We Love

Confession…we don’t do a lot of “book work” for History & Science, especially in the younger years. Our kids mostly learn from reading, CDs & DVDs. And they know quite a bit!

Our kids listen to CDs every night as they are trying to sleep. We are always on the lookout for good CDs and education & fun is a bonus!! 😊

Our ultimate favorite are Jonathan Park. All of the kids really love the Jonathan Park series. The CDs cover Science & History. Quite often, my kids will tell me some random fact & I will ask where they learned about that. The answer is always: “Jonathan Park!”

A Beka sells some History & Science CDs, “The Uncle Bob” series, that our kids really enjoy.

Mystery of History & the Story of The World are 2 separate History curricula & they both have CDs of their books. My kids enjoy these a lot also.

Any other educational CDs your family loves? (I’ll share more favorite CDs in another post, ones that are not specifically educational.)

1 thought on “Educational CDs We Love”

  • Actually it’s mostly me that enjoys the mystery of history most of the other kids HATE it when I put it or other apparently monotone cds inπŸ˜‹

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