Life in the Flock of Geaschels: Pure Faith

My friend wrote a book! I’m excited to read it & excited to share it with you. Here’s what she wrote to share recently:
“If you are looking for one of a kind Christmas gifts, some of the people on your list might relate to my book.
People who:
Spent time in the NICU (nurse, mom, doctor, etc)
Have a special needs child
Have experienced a trach. or chemo
Gave birth in an unconventional way
Have children
Love miracle stories
The book is on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, WestbowPress, and as an ebook.”

Updated 4/22: here is my review I was finally able to write:
“I bought this book the day it was published, excited to read it. This past weekend I finally made time to read it & was only upset that I hadn’t done so sooner! ā¤
I finished it in 2 days (during nap time, which you’ll understand if you’re also a fellow Mom! š), I had a hard time putting it down. Even knowing how it turned out, I was enthralled & couldn’t wait to hear how God worked in each step.
“Pure Faith” is a perfect name for this miraculous daughter & the book written about her story. Christine & Bill exemplify God in their everyday life & it’s no wonder when you read their story…they truly seek Him first & allow Him to guide & lead them.
This book will encourage you in the trials you’re dealing with each day & strengthen your faith, even more so if you allow God to work in your lives the same way this family does.
I have admired & loved this family from the very beginning, hearing how they work together each step of the way & putting their trust in God continually. May this book bless you & your family as much as it did ours. ā¤ It is a very easy read; keeps you intrigued & eager to keep reading.
I can’t wait to read the next installment in the Life in the Flock of Geaschels!”
Martha, Iām sure this will be a very encouraging book for many. We do remember this family from Rock Valley. Iām sure you have much in common with them with your large family.
Yes, we really love their family! ā¤