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November 2020 Family Funnies

November 2020 Family Funnies

*Disclaimer: Yes, I am aware most of these are from Ellenor. Sorry, other kids, but this age is always so cute & funny!! I try to capture any funny moment from any child.* We had hamburgers one night & Ellie called hers a “meat cookie.” 

Celebrating Lucas

Celebrating Lucas

Sir Lucas had a big birthday this week, the big 1-0! Happy birthday to our favorite Lucas who always has a smile on his face, is a happy, easygoing kid. We love you, Lucas & are so thankful for you and the past 10 years. 

Costume Party Potluck

Costume Party Potluck

We invited families over for a costume party/potluck last week. We don’t normally do costumes or Halloween, but it was fun to do this as a family & with friends. A lot of people we invited already had plans/weren’t able to come, but we were 

Weekly Gratitude Post 11/2/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 11/2/20

Today’s Gratitude post is brought to you by… Lucas! “I am thankful for Ellie because she is so cute & fun to play with. I am thankful for Black Beauty (my bunny), because she is so cute & cuddly & I like playing with her. 

Animal Sightings (Eagles!!)

Animal Sightings (Eagles!!)

Earlier this week we saw 2 eagles while we were driving to Rockford. The pictures really don’t do it justice!! It was so special to see 2 eagles close up! We have never seen any so clearly. I wish we could have gotten a video, 

4 years!

4 years!

Hard to believe we’ve been here for 4 years already! Time flies! When we first moved in, we would wake up & step out on the back deck, enjoying the beauty, & wonder when we were going to get kicked out (like at a resort…) 

Celebrating Grant

Celebrating Grant

Grant celebrated another birthday this week. 22 years of celebrating birthdays together! 😊 We are thankful for you Grant/Papa! We don’t go out to eat very often, but decided to take the family out to Fresco’s for his birthday, which was a lot of fun 

What a Ride!

What a Ride!

Our kids have been wanting a dog for about 16+ years. Long story short, we finally said it’s time to take the plunge & make it happen, hoping for the puppies to be an early Christmas present. So we found one that seemed perfect, spent 

Vinegar Magic

Vinegar Magic

We have noticed the past couple months that something has been off in our dishwasher & we’ve been having a hard water film on our dishes. It’s terrible! We tried to fix our water softener, we’re still trying to figure out if it’s working or 

Weekly Gratitude Post

Weekly Gratitude Post

Today’s Gratitude Post is brought to you by… Keira… “I’m thankful for Papa because he plays with me & watches movies with us all. Yesterday we watched North & South, it was 4 hours long. It was really fun. I’m thankful for Papa’s birthday, that