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2 Week Meal Plan 10/25-11/7

2 Week Meal Plan 10/25-11/7

Su 10/25 – Pork Belly, potatoes, rolls, veggies (celebrating Grant’s birthday early) M 10/26 – Bacon, eggs & hashbrowns Tu 10/27 – Burritos W 10/28 – French onion soup Th 10/29 – Lentils & Rice F 10/30 – Chili & cornbread Sat 10/31 – Potluck! 

Now vs. A year Ago: A Health Update

Now vs. A year Ago: A Health Update

Well, I figured it’s time for a health update. I know it’s past due, but it is hard to update when you don’t really feel like anything is changing. That being said, I was realizing the other day that I do have more energy than 

October Family Pictures Part 2

October Family Pictures Part 2

Lizzy giving a piggy back ride to Ellie…she’s such a good big sister.

Hiking in TX

Hiking in TX

There were several hiking trails around the Wycliffe Property & Lexa and I enjoyed hiking a couple mornings. We hiked about 2-3 miles the first day & then did about 3 miles the 2nd day with my Mom also. It was a lot of fun 

Weekly Gratitude Post 10/19/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 10/19/20

Today’s Gratitude post is brought to you by… Logan! I’m thankful for a supportive family who try to help me when I blow up. I’m thankful that Mom & Lexa made it home safely. ❤ I’m thankful for a loving God that helps us when 

Going On An Adventure!!

Going On An Adventure!!

Yes, that’s an airplane we are (were) on!! Isn’t it beautiful, the clouds?! I was so glad Lexa had pointed it out to me! Lexa & I went on an adventure this past week. Normally my side of the family gets together around Thanksgiving or 

Life Hack: Lining a Pan With Foil

Life Hack: Lining a Pan With Foil

Have you ever wondered how to easily “fold” foil to line a pan? Sure, you can just try to stuff it down inside the pan &try to smooth out the corners. 😀 OR… Turn the pan you want to line upside down, as shown in 

Flying Kites

Flying Kites

We had an absolutely gorgeous day last week & the kids asked to fly kites. I’m so glad they did, it was just perfect weather for it!

October 2020 Family Funnies

October 2020 Family Funnies

“My sister called me ‘bino!’ Your ‘bino’ in your bed!” (Keira called Ellie a bambino & she was tryingto tellingus aboutit while in our bed! Lol) Getting dressed after a shower…. “Are you wearing ‘bottom-case’?” 🤔 “Do you mean underwear?” “Yes, bottom-case!” 😂 “I wearing