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Unexpected Week

Unexpected Week

The week filled up faster than I would have liked with 3 Unexpected appointments. And we landed back in the ER last night with Lucas who hit his head & was hard to keep awake & acting confused. Poor guy! By the time we got 

March 2020 Family Pictures Part 1

March 2020 Family Pictures Part 1

Cover picture: Emma made this robot costume 🙂

Making Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Making Homemade Hand Sanitizer

I have been making our own hand sanitizer for years, but with everything going on & hand sanitizer shortages in stores, I wanted to share how easy it is to do. You do need to invest in a few supplies to get started, but once 

Sunpower Solar Panels

Sunpower Solar Panels

We recently got solar panels installed & it cost us nothing! When someone first reached out to us about this program, we thought it was too good to be true! So we had our lawyer look into it for us & he gave his seal 

Penny Carnival

Penny Carnival

The Ogle County 4H puts on a Penny Carnival every March. Lexa & Keira helped out at our club’s booth for an hour & the Lizzy & Logan helped for another hour. The kids all had a lot of fun! 🙂

Weekly Gratitude Post 3/8/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 3/8/20

Today’s Gratitude post is brought to you by Emmalyn. Emma is thankful for her sister Ellenor because she smiles and is fun to play with. She is thankful for flowers in the Spring & Summer because they bring joy to our lives. She is thankful 

What I’m Reading March 2020

What I’m Reading March 2020

I thought it would be nice to share what I’m currently reading. A – to encourage me to finish what I’m working on (yes, it’s a constant struggle!) And B – to share book recommendations. 🙂 Last month I read Tasting Grace: Discovering the Power 

Little Girl Dresses

Little Girl Dresses

A friend has an Etsy store & made this cute little dress for Ellenor. Isn’t it cute? You should check out her store or contact her, she custom makes items. Great for baby showers or gifts. She even has a shirt that kids can color 

Ellenor is 2!!

Ellenor is 2!!

How can it be that 2 years have flown past? This little babe brings such joy to our lives, we are so thankful for you, our Ellenor Grace! She loves to sing, play patty-cake, play with cars & baby dolls and her siblings…She is so 

Feeling Uninspired…Meal Ideas Please?

Feeling Uninspired…Meal Ideas Please?

I’m feeling terribly uninspired & need some help with meal ideas, please?!? I can pretty much only eat most meats, most fruits & most veggies. I can eat quinoa and have some quinoa flour & banana flour, but that’s all. It’s too complicated to list