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Weekly Gratitude Post 2/2/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 2/2/20

Today’s Gratitude Post is by Lizzy. Lizzy is thankful for Sauk Valley Archers. Sauk Valley Archers is an archery club in Dixon. Every Spring they have a Kids Club on Saturday mornings (7 days from Jan – Apr). It is open to the public & 

Chickens Hatching

Chickens Hatching

In the top picture, you may be able to see that 6 chicks have now hatched. 7 more have not yet. 🙂 One in the top left corner is yellow, the rest are all black. Our kids LOVE to incubate chickens (starting with eggs that 

No (Little) Spend Challenge

No (Little) Spend Challenge

At different times/seasons of our lives, we have done a better job than others at keeping track of our spending, to stay on track. We do have a budget, but at times we follow it a bit more “loosely” than others. After a LOT of 

Date Night! 🥰😍

Date Night! 🥰😍

Last night Grant & I got dolled up & went out for our “monthly” date night. It has been a couple months since we’ve been out – with my food restrictions it’s hard to eat out. We are ALWAYS glad that we make the time 

Drinking glasses

Drinking glasses

We have been trying to work on moving away from using plastics as much as possible. An easy way to start has been drinking glasses. These type of handled pint Mason jars, are our favorite!! You can just use plain old mason jars, but the 

Dirty diapers

Dirty diapers

Ellenor is so fun these days. She is very vocal & talks a lot. Lately when I ask her if she’s poopy (because I can tell!), she says, “No, I good” It always makes me laugh, because she obviously is dirty but why she doesn’t 

Self Control vs Self-Discipline & a Parenting Application

Self Control vs Self-Discipline & a Parenting Application

I have been thinking a lot lately about self control. As I’ve been studying about it, I am realizing it is a lot bigger than we really think at first glance. Self-control covers SO many facets. Things like kids whining is actually a lack of 

Weekly Gratitude Post 1/26/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 1/26/20

I loved this quote I heard today & wanted to share this short 1 minute encouraging clip also. “Gratitude turns what we have into enough!” (This isn’t only talking about money.) Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude Today’s Gratitude Post is by Xanna. “I am thankful 

Jocko Willink’s books

Jocko Willink’s books

For Grant’s birthday, we bought him one of Jocko Willink’s books that he had been wanting. He really has loved the book & shared it with friends. He had been listening to Jocko online for a while. While Jocko doesn’t specifically talk about Christ, he 

Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is our friend. Anytime anyone is throwing up or nauseous, we take activated charcoal capsules. It really makes a difference. For those who are too young to swallow capsules, I break open a capsule into a cup of juice & they can’t even