Home Test Day
What my day looks like: Working on a couple home tests I needed to finish up – one is a breath test I have to do every 20 minutes for 3 hours (after drinking some 😫 drink) & one is a spit test (ever had …
Large Family Raising Fruit John 15:5
What my day looks like: Working on a couple home tests I needed to finish up – one is a breath test I have to do every 20 minutes for 3 hours (after drinking some 😫 drink) & one is a spit test (ever had …
Once a week a local nursing home has “Coffee with the Residents”. They offer coffee, hot cocoa & donuts, or some other treat, and anyone is welcome. Grant has been going for the past year or so (when he’s able, but he tries to at …
Lexa took a few kids to go visit a friend’s calf. They love animals! The kids really enjoyed it. 🙂
“How am I doing?” That is a very hard question to answer. I appreciate the fact that people are checking with me and wondering how I’m doing (Please, don’t stop!) But, it isn’t always an easy question to answer. 🙂 Here is the short answer …
I am a part of a Homeschool Product Testing Group and I was given the privilege of being one of the first to test & review The Sanity Saver Planner I wanted to share it here for any Homeschooling Moms that are looking for a …
A few pictures to document our month so far (at least a little glimpse). For some reason I can’t get more pictures to load today, so I’ll share the rest another day. 🙂
I have gone back & forth about how much to share. I do NOT want to be constantly complaining. But over & over I just keep feeling that it’s a story that needs to be told. I’m learning to be an advocate for myself. It’s …
When I feel I need a pick me up, there a few songs I pull out & listen to. These songs encourage me & draw me closer to God. I hope they encourage you today also (or whenever you need to listen to them!) 🙂 …
“Mom, I’m loading! Why am I loading?” (Emma was watching me work on her birthday blog post & the picture of her had a “loading circle”) Emma to Ellie: “I dropped a ‘roller’ (a die) down there – can you get it for me? Lizzy: …
Sometimes we all can use a fresh perspective on things. And since I publicly vented yesterday (& a lot recently, I know!), I want to publicly encourage today. I LOVE smiley faces. They make me happy, speak my love language, make me smile & are …