Salmon Filets, 2 Easy Air Fryer Recipes

I love salmon. I recently learned how EASY & amazing it is in the air fryer. When I stumbled upon a bunch of salmon filets for 50% off at Aldi, I bought several, cut them up & froze filets in individual portions for easy meals.
1. A super easy way is to pat dry, lightly oil the filet & sprinkle your favorite seasonings…I like paprika, salt, pepper, garlic & onion powder, sumac, but make it your own!
Put the filet on foil or parchment paper, air fry @ 400 for 8-10 minutes…don’t overcook it & if you’re making more than you’ll eat in one sitting, undercook it a bit.
Cook times will vary hugely based on thickness & size of your filet, so if you’re doing it for the first time, check it at 5 min, then every 2 after until it flakes easily but isn’t bright pink in the center anymore. I purposely butchered my 2.5 lb filet & saved similar sized portions together to make cooking easier.
Sprinkle with lemon juice & enjoy!
2. This one probably took 5 minutes instead of 2 to prep, but it was SOO worth it. Literally tasted as good or better than I’ve had at restaurants!
I’m sorry, I didn’t measure…I’ve always disliked recipes that say “add salt to your taste preferences,” but that’s literally where I’m at these days. Lol 😔

Mix together in small bowl:
*About 2 tsp mayo
*About 1 tsp of miso paste
*Pepper – I used a bit of fresh ground black pepper as well as some crushed Calabrian chilies that I had in the fridge
*Good squirt of lemon juice
*Salt…start small, you can always add more. I added a sprinkle.
*Garlic – I rough chopped a few cloves of fresh garlic…it was amazing, but very garlicky…next time I’ll mince it better.
Rub the marinate on both sides of the salmon filet & let it sit for a few minutes to absorb.

Put on foil or parchment paper & cook in the air fryer (see instructions above)