The Importance of Growth
Maybe 15 years ago, a lady at the church library commented on how I was constantly reading books on marriage & parenting. She was surprised that it was a continuous, ongoing thing.
I explained that the reason I constantly was reading those books was to keep my mindset where it needed to be – a joyful Keeper at Home. Reading those books helped me to remember to work on my marriage & encouraged me to be a better wife & mother. I needed the encouragement, especially when there’s so little of it in today’s day & age and society!
I’m in a very different season of life right now & don’t have the time to read that I used to (also living with chronic pain & tick-borne illnesses makes it very challenging to read books if they have any information I want to retain. I can read the same page over & over and walk away not having any idea what I read…but that’s a whole other story.)
Now I do more listening than reading – while I’m driving or doing work that can be done while listening (also depends on distractions & activity going on around me). 😊 But I still make it a point to choose edifying, uplifting content.
I often say – If you dwell on the negative, you will reap negativity. If you surround yourself with positivity, good examples, godly influences, etc, it will positively impact your life.
I recently listened to this: Marriage, Family & Parenting – Paul Washer (screenshot of the description below)

It was really good! I could obviously list a lot more recommendations, but please refer to this previous post for encouragement aimed at women.
So I challenge & encourage you today to seek out growth. Always, first spend time in God’s Word daily – I’m talking about above & beyond that. Study God’s Word. Listen to sermons, podcasts, audio books, etc. Read some good non-fiction books.
I’m not saying I’m perfect, I’m not. I’m tired a lot & would much rather choose to watch baking or something that doesn’t use brain cells to unwind. I’m speaking to myself here as well! I will never be perfect, but it doesn’t mean I don’t or shouldn’t try.