The Importance of Saying Yes – Encouragement for Moms

Feeling completely overwhelmed & exhausted. Too much to do & nowhere near enough energy, not to mention time.
Having a mini panic attack because there’s SO much to do already & I just remembered we have to make & frost 100+ cupcakes also. (I know we could buy them, but mostly for the sake of the kids who can’t have Gluten or Dairy, we are choosing to make instead of buy & are making some GF/DF ones also).
I’m in tears because I’m in pain & tired & just don’t have anything left.
Then the 10 year old comes up with a big smile & asks if I want to play a game with him. I think for a minute…do I have the 10 minutes to “spare”? No.
However, I also could use a short break & was grateful for the reminder that it IS important to say YES whenever possible (Grant is great at this & often encourages me in this area). It’s been something I’ve been working on, saying YES more, whenever I can.
So I said, “YES please!” And enjoyed a restful 10 minutes of Dutch Blitz.
I would encourage you all to look for ways to SAY YES & be blessed & encouraged by the joy & refreshment it brings.
*Note: This message is not only for Moms, but I feel that Moms are often the ones who get caught up “being a Martha” & staying soo busy that they lose focus of what is truly important.*

*Note: no blog post tomorrow, I’m busy getting ready for Xanna’s party & we have family in town. 😊*
Martha, I am praying that God’s peace will rule in your heart in these busy days. Thanks for letting us all know so that many others may pray for strength for you now.