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Being Without Power

Being Without Power

When we bought our house 3 years ago, it came with a whole house generator, which has been such a blessing as we lose power pretty frequently. For whatever reason, the generator is not currently working. We lost power Friday night & it came back 

Weekly Gratitude Post 1/12/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 1/12/20

Today’s Gratitude Post is by Emmalyn. Emmalyn is thankful for rainbows, because of all the beautiful colors. She is also thankful for Christmas trees, and the beauty they bring at Christmastime. She is thankful for stockings that can hold things. Emmalyn is thankful for “icicle 

Finding and Choosing JOY

Finding and Choosing JOY

Joy is a choice. It is not always easy. Sometimes you have to work hard to find joy. But it is always good. It brings hope and peace when we keep our eyes fixed on Christ instead of our circumstances. He WANTS us to have 

Making Homemade Playdoh

Making Homemade Playdoh

This is Lizzy, I am sorry I haven’t done a post in a while it has been a very busy past few weeks and I will try to be more dilligent. 😊 I wanted to share how easy it is to make homemade playdoh. It 

Bible Study Options

Bible Study Options

We use the YouVersion app a lot. In our family Bible time we go over the “verse of the day”, what it means to each of us, how we can apply it to our lives, etc. The app makes it easy to read a verse 

January 2020 Pictures Part 1

January 2020 Pictures Part 1

What do you do when you have a 5 foot tall box? Play in it, of course! 😊

Family Friendly Movie Recommendations

Family Friendly Movie Recommendations

When I was growing up, we had a bunch of movies by “Feature Films For Families.” I have fond memories of watching them and am happy to share them with my kids. Some they have grown up watching & others they have just recently watched, 

Ellie’s 22 Month Post

Ellie’s 22 Month Post

Ellie is growing so fast! So hard to believe she’s almost 2! She says so many words now. She calls water “wa-wa” and pillow is “doh”. She will at least attempt most words. She is a great eater, but her favorite food is still her 

Weekly Gratitude Post 1/5/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 1/5/20

Today’s Gratitude Post is brought to you by Lucas. Lucas is thankful that he is in 4H. He loves to do archery & air rifle. He is also excited about showing a chicken this summer and incubating some of our chicken eggs. He is thankful