What I’m Reading Spring 2022
For Lent this year, instead of “giving up” something, I more made a commitment to read more nonfiction. (Giving up the distractions that keep me from it normally…although this is not always only about distractions…with my health issues, sometimes I just read the same page over & over again, so actually finishing nonfiction books is QUITE an accomplishment for me 😊 💜). I was able to able to read quite a few books that have been on my “want to read” list for a while. ❤ 😊

It was SO good! I have been on several advance teams for books & I don’t take that lightly. I do not sign up for a book I know I won’t enjoy or won’t have time to help promote (or read).
The author is a fellow MK (missionary kid) & I definitely was able to relate to SO much of what she talked about, but it’s good even without that connection! ❤
In the book “Quiet”, the author encourages us to have a daily quiet time, no matter what that looks like for each person.
I found the book to be motivational & encouraging. It definitely is a book that will “meet you where you’re at!”
Don’t feel that you have to be “in a certain place” to read this book or to enjoy quiet times as she encourages us to do. Everyone is in a different place, & that’s 100% OK!
It’s about what’s in your heart that’s important, not what your Quiet time looks like! ❤
If you’re interested in buying the book, you can find it here: Quiet
If you’re local and want to borrow my copy, you are welcome to! 😊 Ellie even had to “borrow” it when it came in the mail! ❤

This book was written by a friend of mine…I’m proud to call her my friend!! I bought it the day it came out & it’s a bit embarrassing that it took me 6 months to read it, but such is life in a big family. 😀
Here’s the review I wrote for it:
“I bought this book the day it was published, excited to read it. This past weekend I finally made time to read it & was only upset that I hadn’t done so sooner! ❤
I finished it in 2 days (during nap time, which you’ll understand if you’re also a fellow Mom! 😉), I had a hard time putting it down. Even knowing how it turned out, I was enthralled & couldn’t wait to hear how God worked in each step.
“Pure Faith” is a perfect name for this miraculous daughter & the book written about her story. Christine & Bill exemplify God in their everyday life & it’s no wonder when you read their story…they truly seek Him first & allow Him to guide & lead them.
This book will encourage you in the trials you’re dealing with each day & strengthen your faith, even more so if you allow God to work in your lives the same way this family does.
I have admired & loved this family from the very beginning, hearing how they work together each step of the way & putting their trust in God continually. May this book bless you & your family as much as it did ours. ❤ It is a very easy read; keeps you intrigued & eager to keep reading.
I can’t wait to read the next installment in the Life in the Flock of Geaschels!”

This book just came out & I was thrilled to be able to get it from the library! While we are book lovers & not opposed to buying books (anyone who has been to our house & seen our “library” will get this 😅), I have found lately that I will actually get a book read faster if I have a deadline (shocking, I know) & I love being able to preview a book to see if it’s one I want to own.
I haven’t gotten very far yet since I just got the book a couple days ago, but it’s already one I want to own & am having a hard time putting it down. I LOVE her “One Thousand Gifts” book & haven’t read any of her other books, but want to. I know not everyone likes her writing style & it does take me a while to get used to, but I ALWAYS get a lot out of her writing. ❤
Ann does a great job of digging deeper into Scripture & encourages the reader to do the same.

Thank you so much for the beautiful endorsement of my book 💕 if I need a review, I’ll definitely ask you for one 💗